Articles | Volume 2
Conference Abstract
06 Sep 2023
Conference Abstract |  | 06 Sep 2023

AREHS: effects of changing boundary conditions on the development of hydrogeological systems: numerical long-term modelling considering thermal–hydraulic–mechanical (–chemical) coupled effects

René Kahnt, Heinz Konietzky, Thomas Nagel, Olaf Kolditz, Andreas Jockel, Christian B. Silbermann, Friederike Tiedtke, Tobias Meisel, Florian Zill, Anton Carl, Aron D. Gabriel, and Marcel Schlegel

Related authors

AREHS: effects of changing boundary conditions on the development of hydrogeological systems: numerical long-term modelling considering thermal–hydraulic–mechanical(–chemical) coupled effects
René Kahnt, Heinz Konietzky, Thomas Nagel, Olaf Kolditz, Andreas Jockel, Christian B. Silbermann, Friederike Tiedke, Tobias Meisel, Karsten Rink, Wenqing Wang, Florian Zill, Antje Carl, Aron D. Gabriel, Marcel Schlegel, and Torsten Abraham
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 1, 175–177,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
In the AREHS project, the effect of the alternation of cold and warm periods over 1 million years on the hydrogeological system in the vicinity of a repository was simulated. This was done with thermal–hydraulic–mechanical (–chemical) simulations. The simulations were implemented for generic 3D models for all three host rock formations: clay rock, salt rock and crystalline rock. In addition to the results for the generic sites, a workflow was developed that can be applied to concrete sites.