Articles | Volume 2
Conference Abstract
06 Sep 2023
Conference Abstract |  | 06 Sep 2023

Procedures to involve knowledge providers for capturing the state of knowledge in radioactive waste management: insights from the European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management

Alexandru Tatomir, Milena Schönhofen-Romer, Astrid Göbel, Dinara Abbasova, Thuro Arnold, Vinzenz Brendler, and Kateryna Fuzik

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Capturing the state of knowledge in radioactive waste management is a very important activity for supporting member states with the implementation of their national programmes towards the safe and effective management of waste. This requires the involvement of experts sharing their expertise and knowledge with the wider community. During the past 3 years, we have gained valuable insights into the procedures of involving experts and knowledge sharing, and the lessons learnt are shown here.