Faced with the case of the nuclear power plant project in Kalkar, the German
Constitutional Court has issued certain standards on how to treat technology
in Germany. Technological risks are to be classified in three different
ways, each one implicating different legal consequences. The Kalkar I
decision has evolved as one of the most important rulings concerning
In the awareness that absolute safety cannot be achieved, each piece of technology bears a certain amount of risk that needs to be assessed. The transition from
risk to hazard depends on the citizens' attitude. It is the state's duty to
prevent hazards from arising and to provide precautionary measures. If
one hazard has in fact arisen, it is the state's duty to eliminate it. As
long as this threshold from risk to hazard is not yet reached (and even
whilst fighting the hazard), precautionary measures are to be provided.
For certain, unlikely events, the so-called residual risk, must be tolerated.