Articles | Volume 2
Conference Abstract
06 Sep 2023
Conference Abstract |  | 06 Sep 2023

A note on the duration of claystone exploration programs

Thomas Mann, Bernhard Schuck, Tilo Kneuker, Lukas Pollok, André Bornemann, and Jochen Erbacher

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Geowissenschaftliche Methoden – Datenbank (GeM-DB) – a basis for planning surface exploration programs
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Cited articles

BGE: Zeitliche Betrachtung des Standortauswahlverfahrens aus Sicht der BGE. Rahmenterminplanung für Schritt 2 der Phase I bis zum Vorschlag der Standortregionen und zeitliche Abschätzungen für Phase II und III, (last access: 22 June 2023), 2022.  
Thöle, H., Bornemann, A., Heimhofer, U., Luppold, F. W., Blumenberg, M., Dohrmann, R., and Erbacher, J.: Using high-resolution XRF analyses as a sequence stratigraphic tool in a mudstone-dominated succession (Early Cretaceous, Lower Saxony Basin, Northern Germany), The Depositional Record, 6, 236–258, 2020. 
Short summary
This contribution outlines that the BGE, implementer of Germany’s site selection procedure for a nuclear waste repository, likely underestimates the time necessary to characterize claystones within potential siting regions. Our latest experience originates from two research projects that developed sequence stratigraphic frameworks for largely homogenous claystone successions in Germany. We reckoned a total duration of 5 years for the workload in each of the abovementioned research projects.