Articles | Volume 2
Conference Abstract
06 Sep 2023
Conference Abstract |  | 06 Sep 2023

BARIK: laboratory programme within the framework of the development of an extended Hoek–Brown-based anisotropic constitutive model for fractured crystalline rock

Max Friedel, Fabian Weber, Heinz Konietzky, Paola Rocio León Vargas, Alireza Hassanzadegan, and Michael Rahmig


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Short summary
As part of BARIK, a laboratory programme is used to generate a dataset for anisotropic material to verify and validate the developed constitutive model. Based on Freiberger gneis, basic tests and multi-stage triaxial compression tests were conducted, the latter to investigate a post-failure region. Hydromechanical coupled triaxial compression tests to observe micromechanical damage processes are in progress. This contribution provides an overview of the laboratory programme and first results.