Articles | Volume 2
Conference Abstract
06 Sep 2023
Conference Abstract |  | 06 Sep 2023

A seismic-reflection-based approach for determining the hydraulic permeability of rocks in a subsurface region

Serge A. Shapiro

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Short summary

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Shapiro, S. A. and Kaselow, A.: Porosity and elastic anisotropy of rocks under tectonic stress and pore-pressure changes, Geophysics, 70, N27–N38, 2005. 
Short summary
The hydraulic permeability of rocks characterizes fluid mobility. This quantity is important for various applications. Because of the high resolution and large penetration range of seismic waves as well as the ability of seismic exploration to operate from the Earth's surface, a seismic-reflection-based method for characterizing the underground permeability is of importance. Stress-dependent rock-physics experiments allow one to calibrate seismic data for estimating permeability.