Articles | Volume 1
Conference Abstract
10 Nov 2021
Conference Abstract |  | 10 Nov 2021

Large-scale testing of a sandwich shaft-sealing system at the Mont Terri rock laboratory

Klaus Wieczorek, Katja Emmerich, Rainer Schuhmann, Jürgen Hesser, Markus Furche, David Jaeggi, Senecio Schefer, Jan Aurich, Juan Carlos Mayor, Simon Norris, Ken Birch, Manuel Sentis, José Luis García-Siñeriz, Franz Königer, Uwe Glaubach, Christopher Rölke, and Ralf Diedel

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Hydration and response of an experimental Sandwich shaft-sealing system at the Mont Terri rock laboratory
Matthias Hinze, Klaus Wieczorek, Katja Emmerich, Jürgen Hesser, Markus Furche, Hua Shao, David Jaeggi, Senecio Schefer, Thomas Nagel, Juan Carlos Mayor, Simon Norris, Kim Chang-Seok, Philipp Schädle, José Luis García-Siñeriz, Rainer Schuhmann, Franz Königer, Uwe Glaubach, Christopher Rölke, and Ralf Diedel
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 2, 175–176,,, 2023
Short summary
From process to system understanding with multi-disciplinary investigation methods: set-up and first results of the CD-A experiment (Mont Terri rock laboratory)
Gesa Ziefle, Tuanny Cajuhi, Sebastian Condamin, Stephan Costabel, Oliver Czaikowski, Antoine Fourriére, Larissa Friedenberg, Markus Furche, Nico Graebling, Bastian Graupner, Jürgen Hesser, David Jaeggi, Kyra Jantschik, Tilo Kneuker, Olaf Kolditz, Franz Königer, Herbert Kunz, Ben Laurich, Jobst Maßmann, Christian Ostertag-Henning, Dorothee Rebscher, Karsten Rink, Wolfram Rühaak, Senecio Schefer, Rainer Schuhmann, Marc Wengler, and Klaus Wieczorek
Saf. Nucl. Waste Disposal, 1, 79–81,,, 2021
Short summary
A Sandwich shaft sealing system consists of alternating sealing segments (DS) of bentonite and equipotential segments (ES) with a high hydraulic conductivity. Water accessing the system results in swelling of the DS. Within the ES the water is evenly distributed over the cross section of the seal. Thus, swelling is more homogeneous and seal bypass is reduced. At the Mont Terri rock laboratory, this sealing system is tested in connection with the host rock in a large-scale in-situ experiment.