The Swiss radioactive waste program has to select the safest site for a geological repository. Less favorable regions are eliminated in a three-step process using geological data assessed against 13 safety criteria. Initial optimistic estimates for the site selection duration soon had to be revised. Multiple measures minimized the program delay, e.g., parallel work on different phases: exploration of the siting regions was pushed forward despite pending reviews of the previous phase proposals.
The Swiss radioactive waste program has to select the safest site for a geological repository. Less favorable regions are eliminated in a three-step process using geological data assessed against 13 safety criteria. Initial optimistic estimates for the site selection duration soon had to be revised. Multiple measures minimized the program delay, e.g., parallel work on different phases: exploration of the siting regions was pushed forward despite pending reviews of the previous phase proposals.
Site selection for geological repositories for nuclear waste is demonstrated with data examples from the Swiss national program that started in 2008 and will announce the selected site next year.
Site selection for geological repositories for nuclear waste is demonstrated with data examples...