Articles | Volume 2
Conference Abstract
06 Sep 2023
Conference Abstract |  | 06 Sep 2023

Economics of new nuclear power plants – assessment of investments into Generation III, small modular reactors and non-light-water reactors

Fanny Böse and Christian von Hirschhausen

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IAEA: Advances in Small Modular Reactor Developments. A Supplement to: IAEA Advanced Reactors Information System (ARIS), IAEA Booklet, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, (last access: 20 June 2023), 2022. 
Short summary
Given the need to combat climate change and the recent energy price increases for electricity and natural gas, investments into new nuclear power plants are considered an option in some countries. In this paper, we discuss economic aspects of such investments, differentiating between three different types of reactor technology, and discuss economic aspects.