Articles | Volume 1
Conference Abstract
10 Nov 2021
Conference Abstract |  | 10 Nov 2021

Compaction of crushed salt for safe containment – overview of the KOMPASS project

Larissa Friedenberg, James Bean, Oliver Czaikowski, Uwe Düsterloh, Nina Müller-Hoeppe, Ben Laurich, Christian Lerch, Svetlana Lerche, Christoph Lüdeling, Melissa Mills, Till Popp, Benjamin Reedlunn, Dieter Stührenberg, Kristoff Svensson, Kornelia Zemke, and Juan Zhao

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Compaction of crushed salt for safe containment – a summary of the KOMPASS projects
Larissa Friedenberg, Jeroen Bartol, James Bean, Steffen Beese, Hendrik Bollmann, Hans J. P. de Bresser, Jibril Coulibaly, Oliver Czaikowski, Uwe Düsterloh, Ralf Eickemeier, Ann-Kathrin Gartzke, Suzanne Hangx, Ben Laurich, Christian Lerch, Svetlana Lerche, Wenting Liu, Christoph Lüdeling, Melissa M. Mills, Nina Müller-Hoeppe, Bart van Oosterhout, Till Popp, Ole Rabbel, Michael Rahmig, Benjamin Reedlunn, Christopher Rölke, Christopher Spiers, Kristoff Svensson, Jan Thiedau, and Kornelia Zemke
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From process to system understanding with multi-disciplinary investigation methods: set-up and first results of the CD-A experiment (Mont Terri rock laboratory)
Gesa Ziefle, Tuanny Cajuhi, Sebastian Condamin, Stephan Costabel, Oliver Czaikowski, Antoine Fourriére, Larissa Friedenberg, Markus Furche, Nico Graebling, Bastian Graupner, Jürgen Hesser, David Jaeggi, Kyra Jantschik, Tilo Kneuker, Olaf Kolditz, Franz Königer, Herbert Kunz, Ben Laurich, Jobst Maßmann, Christian Ostertag-Henning, Dorothee Rebscher, Karsten Rink, Wolfram Rühaak, Senecio Schefer, Rainer Schuhmann, Marc Wengler, and Klaus Wieczorek
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