Rebekka Bärenbold, Muhammad Maladoh Bah, Rebecca Lordan-Perret, Björn Steigerwald, Christian von Hirschhausen, Ben Wealer, Hannes Weigt, and Alexander Wimmers
In this survey paper, we bring together the insights from six country case studies on decommissioning commercial nuclear power plants (NPPs). The six countries we selected for our research have commercial nuclear industries that span a wide spectrum in terms of organization, regulation, financial provisions, and production of decommissioning services. Based on the cross-comparison of countries and their approaches to decommissioning, we highlight a series of gaps in the existing research.
Rebekka Bärenbold, Muhammad Maladoh Bah, Rebecca Lordan-Perret, Björn Steigerwald, Christian von Hirschhausen, Ben Wealer, Hannes Weigt, and Alexander Wimmers
In this survey paper, we bring together the insights from six country case studies on decommissioning commercial nuclear power plants (NPPs). The six countries we selected for our research have commercial nuclear industries that span a wide spectrum in terms of organization, regulation, financial provisions, and production of decommissioning services. Based on the cross-comparison of countries and their approaches to decommissioning, we highlight a series of gaps in the existing research.